
In this report we combine the information from the previous reports and give you the chance to drill down on all user- and license specific data

Filter alternatives

  • Created date: Helps you filter on when users were created. In this overview you can i.e exclude users created last two weeks

  • Last sign-in: Helps you filter on showing all users from when they were last created.

  • User state: Choose if you want to filter on active or inactive users

  • Sign-in status: Helps you filter on users who have never signed in and users that have

  • User type: Helps you filter on members and guests in the tenant

  • Account: Choose if you want to filter on enabled or disabled users

  • User principal name: Free search for user principal names

Useful words to search for on user principal name:

  • "Test"

  • "Admin"

Focus table - license types

  • This table shows you all licenses, quantity and cost.

Breakdown table - additional filter available for different user properties

  • This table shows the distribution of cost for the chosen property

  • Breakdown filter: Choose the appropriate property you want to by using the breakdown filter on the right side. We have also included Extension attributes as this is often used by companies

User details table

  • In this table you can drill down on the specific users that have licenses allocated to them and investigate whether they should be removed or not.

  • The column selector on the right hand side gives you the opportunity to choose which information is the most interesting to see. Some of the most interesting properties to see based on our experience is:

  1. Created

  2. Last sign-in

  3. Days since last sign-in

  4. Cost

  5. Licenses combined

This table can be exported with live integration to Excel and be used as a worklist across different functions to clean up. The spreadsheet will be automatically updated every night

Last updated