Design Principles

Why and how Bsure Insights differentiates from many other offerings.

Privacy by design and by default is the concept of embedding privacy into architecture, systems, procedures etc. Bsure was established based on these principals from the very beginning.

Result - No customer user data is exposed to Bsure, or any other parties.

When using traditional SaaS applications you have to agree to data processing agreements, and your user data is most often transferred to the vendor hosted solution.

At Bsure we value your privacy. Our product runs solely within your own environment. And no user data is transfered to Bsure or any other parties.

This is why we chose to offer our solution as an Azure Managed Application. These are by default installed and hosted in the customers' own Azure subscription.

Since we as a publisher have access to the managed application resource group, we even decided to force the customers to bring their own Storage Account, where all user data collected is stored. Bsure does not have access to this Storage Account.

To provide customers with insights on the data collected, we offer a companion Power Bi App. After installing the Power Bi app from Microsoft Appsource, customers only have to add the name and Access Key of their own Storage Account to start analyzing their license costs.

In this way we ensure complete privacy.

Last updated