Main Dashboard

This is our main dashboard, which gives you a status of how tidy your Microsoft Entra ID is. We believe that Identity lifecycle management and good processes is the key to a tidy Microsoft Entra ID, and with Bsure you get the insight you need to make better decisions.


In order to have a tidy Entra ID you need to know who your users are, and whether they are active or not.

  • Disabled and Inactive users: This graph shows the percentage of users with access to the Entra ID who are not active. This overview includes both members and guests

  • Members: Users owned and controlled by your Entra ID, or your internal users

  • Guests: An Entra ID Guest user account is an account that is invited to your Entra ID from another identity catalogue. It can be assigned access and permissions to almost anything in you Entra ID tenant.

  • Users: All members and guests

  • Active: All users (members and guests) active in the Entra ID

  • Inactive: All users (members and guests) that have not signed into the Entra ID the last 90 days

  • Disabled: Disabled user accounts

Microsoft Licenses

In this dashboard we give you a flash of your total Microsoft license cost, as well as your potential monthly cost savings based on the analysis made

Potential savings: This number represents the total monthly savings divided by total monthly Microsoft license costs

License cost: Your total monthly Microsoft license costs

Potential monthly cost savings: The sum of savings related to unassigned, inactive and disabled licenses

Unassigned: Licenses not assigned to any users that can potentially be removed at next renewal date

Inactive: Licenses assigned to users that are inactive, meaning they have not logged on to Entra ID last 90 days

Disabled: Licenses assigned to users that are disabled


In the security section of the dashboard we focus on multi-factor-authentication (MFA) status on the users, as well users or groups with administrative privileges in your Entra ID

Missing MFA registration: Members in the Entra ID without registered MFA

Administrative privileges: Overview of Entra ID roles with administrative privileges

Last updated